Thursday 15 August 2013

Almasi Ziwani: Nature at its best

Nature is about the best way to give you a reality check of who you are. The grandeur and beauty that surrounds us is evidence that there is a God and that He created everything for our enjoyment.  In spite of the enjoyment it is a reminder that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.
My journey to Ziwani was no different, as it gave me a deeper understanding of nature and gave me a new experience. Natures intriguing features make it an interesting aspect of life. The revelations of how amazing it is, confirms the existence of God. Not only that He exists but that He took time to create this intricate balance of life that we call the world.  
I also had my first night game drive which is a novelty in Kenya, with Ziwani among the few locations that allow for the same. It allowed for me to see nocturnal creatures in their element. Notable the Genet was the highlight of my game drive...

Eagles sourcing out for some prey... breaky beckons 
Watching the sunrise together....

Napping just after meal time...

Decomposition: final stage of the circle of life..... 
African Genet...

Having a midnight snack
Taking a swim

Grasshopper.... wololo

Wildebeest by night
Getting ready to roll out
Matriarch leading them away

Packed and ready for the migration

Taking an evening walk

Lekatoo: the guide


Tuesday 23 July 2013

Almasi Ziwani

Misconception is in my opinion the worst thing that ever happened to mankind.
And the saddest part about it, is that we are all victim to it. Many a time, we rarely take time to understand, know or figure out the things that make us proud to be Kenyan. We are quick to look away out and about other than within.
Kenya, the motherland is my home and I am proud to be Kenyan. However, I realized that despite being proud to be Kenyan. I have never really had an experience that sets my country apart from the rest of the world, other than the fact that I was born here. So I took a journey to discover this beautiful country. 
My lens and I decided to take voyage to the gem that is Voyager Ziwani. Situated in the heart of Tsavo National Park, it is a serene location for friends and family to take a weekend off and unwind. A place for rest, relaxation and restoration.
Its a 4hr drive from Nairobi and I can tell you for free it's worth the drive. 
After a long drive in the dust and murram from Oloitokitok, we finally got to the hotel. It is a tented camp, and has the most breath taking view. With a man made lake right in the center... and jetty's situated on each end of the lake.
The personnel at the camp were hospitable and that made me feel like I was in a home away from home. Excellent food, amazing service and warm members of staff... This was my weekend experience...
My little island

Some summer afternoon wine

Preping for a sun downer.....

Fun fun fun.......

R&R this is the life

Cautious meal... a salad will do

My decadent lunch... its sinful.... but it was to die for

That's the chef... holding it down

Candle lit dinner....

Evenings by the lake......

My cabin for the weekend.....

N\B this is the first of a three part series so will post the second part in a fortnights time.....(",)... see y'all then

Friday 5 July 2013


Regardless of where we are in life there is always that spirited cheer leader who will always stand by your corner. Always cheering you on regardless of what you've done, where you've been or how much you messed up or how well your doing in life.
She is undoubtedly the world’s greatest super hero who needs no introduction, whose strength is unwavering and one who’s always at your corner regardless of who, what or where you are. Her name is Mummy.
Today’s post is dedicated to my mum. She is one in a million and though I might not say it all the time I appreciate and love her to bits.
I think back, and the memoirs that stand out are too many to pen down. 
In a nut shell her hands stand out. The hands that washed me,  that embraced me and the very same hands that chastened me. The same hands that cooked each single day and baked for every birthday. The same hands that nurtured me and defined what true love is. For that I am for ever grateful.
To me she is my queen and the physical representation of unconditional love. Let’s give it up to mothers all over the world, the unsung heroines of the ages. To mums and the people who have assumed the role of mum in whatever circumstance, you are star and your appreciated... 

I will love you....

...Unconditional love for all time

Never a dull moment...

...lean on me

Her counsel...

Best supporting actor in my life Mummy...

...My bundle of Joy

Tuesday 30 April 2013


I think one of the most unique things about being human is the ability to make friends. Funniest part about it is that you'd think that the older you got you'd get better at it. Oh contraire!! its actually harder to get friends when you get older.
One of the things about friendship is that friendship comes in different forms, some come in term of convenience and some for keeps.
It is in sharing all we have and the opportunity to get to share you with some one that makes life interesting. 
The most unique thing about friendship is knowing that no matter where you are, or the direction your life takes someone somewhere is glad to have you in their lives, and has your back no matter what.
Even if for a season. True friendship is hard to come by, but true friends are the gems that light up your path wherever you are.
I had the privilege of taking some picture of a group of friends who inspired this post...
y'all enjoy.

Friends forever.....

Come a little bit closer

Bound together with a common purpose

Farewell... or not?

I got your back you got mine...

Still smiling after "90 minute" 

As we soar our different directions a smile
i'll have as i remember you

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Kiss me...

One of the languages of love that is most commonly shared through out the world is touch. A touch can elicit a multitude of reactions which in most cases is a manifestation of what's on the inside. 
For most people in relationships, one of the ways in which they show affection is through a kiss.
Kisses speak volumes and as I have been learning different kisses mean different things. From a peck on the cheek, to a peck on the forehead or a romantic kiss. There is a kiss literally every moment or occasion. Which will always remain etched in our memories to signify that particular time or era and the value it holds for us. 
I captured these moments recently... and thats what got me thinking how often do we show and share affection for the things that matter? 
Take some time to do so today

Mother to son... I love you my son

Sharing a snack

This amazing friendship.. thanks for the snack

Getting a wet sloppy one

Some tongue....scratch that a whole lot of tongue

I think i need a towel... 

With the wife... I love you...

Sunday 3 March 2013

Food for thought

Its been 4 months since I last posted. That's a maaaaad fail from myself. I must admit its been a tough start to the year with the elections coming up tomorrow, and looking through all the final submissions these politicians have made. About how they intend to better the country and our lives as kenyans in general. 
One of the things we are looking for in life is making it worth while or worth living.A fortnight ago we were hosting a couple of friends who decided to adopt an elephant at the David sheldrick wildlife trust. It was a reminder of how much we have lost through poaching. 
The trust adopts young elephants and sends them back to the wild. Watching these animals just got me thinking about how much we take for granted. Life,family, friends,health the list is endless. 
So as we go on to vote, lets vote wisely and appreciate the things we have. Because there's a whole lot to be grateful for. Here are some of the pictures i took.
FYI you can adopt an elephant as well so drop by and adopt one as well.

Enjoying a mud bath

Lunch time... got milk....

Drinking up

Larger than life attitude...

Next soccer superstar

Oops im falling in...

Is this my good side

Scoot over... There isn't enough space for the both of us...

Okay okay say cheese then.....