Tuesday 2 April 2013

Kiss me...

One of the languages of love that is most commonly shared through out the world is touch. A touch can elicit a multitude of reactions which in most cases is a manifestation of what's on the inside. 
For most people in relationships, one of the ways in which they show affection is through a kiss.
Kisses speak volumes and as I have been learning different kisses mean different things. From a peck on the cheek, to a peck on the forehead or a romantic kiss. There is a kiss literally every moment or occasion. Which will always remain etched in our memories to signify that particular time or era and the value it holds for us. 
I captured these moments recently... and thats what got me thinking how often do we show and share affection for the things that matter? 
Take some time to do so today

Mother to son... I love you my son

Sharing a snack

This amazing friendship.. thanks for the snack

Getting a wet sloppy one

Some tongue....scratch that a whole lot of tongue

I think i need a towel... 

With the wife... I love you...


  1. True True! A kiss means a lot:-)

  2. Nice pics..but the giraffes enyewe siwesmake.......
