Wednesday 11 May 2016


I really need to stop these long silences on my blog. Its been a long time since my last post 4 months to be precise. Months that have seemed to fly past. The last couple of months have been nothing short of interesting, but most importantly they have been eye opening to say the least. It has shown me that life is a gift, but very rarely do we take time to enjoy it...
What is the one thing that you fear most? for me the list is endless. I could go on and on and on and on about it before I get to any conclusion. Fears in turn give birth to complexes and in turn those beget esteem issues and the list is endless. Its a downward spiral that never ends.
one of the lessons that i have learnt or I am still learning from my blogging hiatus is that we concede power to a lot of things, situations, circumstances and all the rubbish in our lives that we have no control over. But for many we concede the power of our lives and destiny to people and situations. We allow our situations to define who we are, forgetting that we were created to enjoy life and the fullness of life there in.
"We are the masters of our destiny" is what we are told but in essence we rarely take control of our lives. We allow things, circumstances, situations and peoples views and thoughts on subjects, to govern who we are and what we want. Forgetting that in the end only we know what makes us happy and that  can never be prescribed or defined by any one else other than YOU.
This epiphany came to me as I was doing a fabric shoot some time. The en-vogue thing among many young upwardly mobile people now is Ankara. 10 years ago you cold not catch any young person then wearing any of that.. it was considered shady out of touch and a senior citizens dress of choice. 10 years on and nothing has changed much about the fabric. It is still the same abstract patterns and still as beautiful artsitic fabric that it has always been... Now more appreciated and sort after by my generation...
What are the unique happy patterns in your life that make you who you are? Find them, hold on to them and love you for you. Perfect loves drives away all fear... Love the unique value you add to each equation because its more than beautiful it is your unique contribution to humanity....

Secrets beyond the folds

The fabrics came in 2 by 2 hurrah hurrah...

Authentically African

Fabric for all

Care to accessorize...

Fabric tower

Whatever tickles your fancy.. 
Blue is color of confidence yes? no?...

High tea and some good fabric.... 
Fabric acquired...

Spoiled for choice

Our unique nature makes us stand out regardless

Wednesday 20 January 2016

All in and all out

It's the start of a new a year... For most of us this is when we are all about resolutions, and or the things we need to do or start doing.
It's usually an honest heartfelt sentiment at the time. I however think that we get way laid by a lot of the circumstances in our lives.

One of my weaknesses is sugar. Every year I vow to reduce my sugar intake to no avail... I am that friend who is constantly by the dessert table,has a cookie at his desk, has a bar of chocolate stashed somewhere or... You know what I mean.
Cake is just one of the evils I believe all dietitians should make an exception to the rule for. Its decadent... *Sigh*

I had the pleasure of spending some time with an exceptional baker.
Its amazing how much goes into that small treat that's a slice of cake or pie. So I watched in awe as she put in all her ingredients together and mixed them to form a batter. That then went into a baking tin and boom there it was. The beautiful treat..

So it got me thinking.Too many times we are held up in making our resolutions and forget to go all in, into what we set out to do. We forget that we are our own worst enemy and that if we went all out the results would rarely be negative and even if they were, you'd know you'd given it your best shot. So for this year go all out, its all you can do anyway. 

Live life, love life start living and stop existing

 Key ingredient for our Orange cake

Gearing up

All set and ready to go

Greasing up...

Acquiring our orange zest

Zest ready for use

Getting ready for some juice

Extracting our juice

Flour coming right up

Baking soda... i got baking soda... LOL

Sifting and aerating our flour mixture

Come give me some sugar..... (",)

Add  some yoghurt to taste

Vegetable oil into the mixture to make it healthy
Eggs follow through just at the end

Mix it all up and mush it up real good

Our batter is ready for the oven....

And in we go...

Voila... beautiful Orange cake.... .

Mmmmh.... hunger pap #craving things

Chef Esther Co-founder Eliki....

Ps.. for all your pastry,cake and fine dining needs catch them on
Facebook: Eliki
Tel: 0721215070 or 0725415715

Thursday 23 April 2015

Enkare Nairobi

People will always have an opinion about you, its what you answer to that matters. Our lives are not as perfect as we would want them to be, neither are they as imperfect as we seem to perceive. 
The human condition seems to push our focus away from the gift that is the present and the reality of the here and now. Rather it engulfs us in the tomorrow and the before or the should've, could've and would've of the time. We fail to look at who we are introspectively. Whilst appreciating the beautiful things within all the negative and pugnacious situations and relationships we are in.
Nairobi was or is fondly referred to as the city in the sun. However over the years things have changed. As residents there seems to be nothing appealing about this city. The Masai named this place "Enkare Nairobi" which means the place of cool waters. In my opinion, it must have been beautiful.
There is beauty in our cracks and regardless of the situation there is something beautiful in us all. Find the beauty in your imperfections and situations.

Enkare Nairobi

KICC & Parliament building

Eastlands arial

Kenyatta Avenue ICEA junction

Koja Round about

Koja Round about (b)

Jamia Mosque
Nairobi Nights

My beautiful city

Friday 19 December 2014

Message in a Bottle

Cough Cough Cough... Sneeze Sneeze... Yaani I just realised how dusty my blog is. As in a while is a mild way of putting it. I have not put down my thoughts in a minute, better yet make it 2. 

Over the long weekend I had time to bond with family. There's always something about being with family that makes any occasion memorable. The memoirs of days gone by, good food, fun and fellowship make a world of difference. 

At some point we decided to walk out to the yard and enjoy the view. Sigh....
Personally, nature is Gods amazing work of art. Landscapes are His masterpieces. Each stroke well defined and placed, it tells a story for each of us to interpret in our own way. 
Its a little message in a bottle that speaks to just you. A little note that reminds you that life is not all bad. Its  ray of hope that glimmers and whispers help is a prayer away. 

After the walk I purposed to take some time in my work week to enjoy and appreciate, that amazing sunset, the sun rise, the night skyline. Really just enjoy the beauty of what my eyes can see.

I will let you decide what your note/message in a bottle is....

Thursday 15 August 2013

Almasi Ziwani: Nature at its best

Nature is about the best way to give you a reality check of who you are. The grandeur and beauty that surrounds us is evidence that there is a God and that He created everything for our enjoyment.  In spite of the enjoyment it is a reminder that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.
My journey to Ziwani was no different, as it gave me a deeper understanding of nature and gave me a new experience. Natures intriguing features make it an interesting aspect of life. The revelations of how amazing it is, confirms the existence of God. Not only that He exists but that He took time to create this intricate balance of life that we call the world.  
I also had my first night game drive which is a novelty in Kenya, with Ziwani among the few locations that allow for the same. It allowed for me to see nocturnal creatures in their element. Notable the Genet was the highlight of my game drive...

Eagles sourcing out for some prey... breaky beckons 
Watching the sunrise together....

Napping just after meal time...

Decomposition: final stage of the circle of life..... 
African Genet...

Having a midnight snack
Taking a swim

Grasshopper.... wololo

Wildebeest by night
Getting ready to roll out
Matriarch leading them away

Packed and ready for the migration

Taking an evening walk

Lekatoo: the guide