Thursday 15 August 2013

Almasi Ziwani: Nature at its best

Nature is about the best way to give you a reality check of who you are. The grandeur and beauty that surrounds us is evidence that there is a God and that He created everything for our enjoyment.  In spite of the enjoyment it is a reminder that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.
My journey to Ziwani was no different, as it gave me a deeper understanding of nature and gave me a new experience. Natures intriguing features make it an interesting aspect of life. The revelations of how amazing it is, confirms the existence of God. Not only that He exists but that He took time to create this intricate balance of life that we call the world.  
I also had my first night game drive which is a novelty in Kenya, with Ziwani among the few locations that allow for the same. It allowed for me to see nocturnal creatures in their element. Notable the Genet was the highlight of my game drive...

Eagles sourcing out for some prey... breaky beckons 
Watching the sunrise together....

Napping just after meal time...

Decomposition: final stage of the circle of life..... 
African Genet...

Having a midnight snack
Taking a swim

Grasshopper.... wololo

Wildebeest by night
Getting ready to roll out
Matriarch leading them away

Packed and ready for the migration

Taking an evening walk

Lekatoo: the guide