Friday 21 September 2012

Impossibilities made possible

When I was younger new beginnings were always something that I always looked forward to. I wonder what happend when it came to school as I grew older. Anyway new things are always a joy to come by. Life is always about improvement and growth and thats the direction I think everyone always aims for.
I happend to be part of a new beginning last week. It was refreshing and quite different from what I am normally used to. There was a lot of anticipation in regard to what it is that was being launched and finally it came through. With the catch  making the impossible possible.
The new product by Coke.. the Coca cola Zero... 
Here is what ensued

SWAT Team preparation

SWAT  identify target

Target located 

We are going in

Acquisition of the target

in the line of duty

Mission complete

Catherine Mudachi Brand Manager

Catherine Mudachi and Just A Band

After the debrief

What its all about they new Zero in the market

Same great taste NO SUGAR

Thursday 6 September 2012


I recently got chatting with my friend about life and the things that bring people together. In my opinion there are three things that bring people together regardless of creed/race, ethnicity, social and or economic status and gender.

The three things in my opinion are weddings, sports and music. Well you could shoot down the aspect of weddings because of the whole issue of family representation and if families disagree they do so in unison. But in retrospect even if the family does unite against the wedding or for that one day nothing else matters its all fun and games.

Sports need i say more... its the origin of this was so amazing to seek Kenyans urging on David Rudisha to win the gold in the London Olympics. People all high-fived', exchanged smiles and they had only met each other that night. For that one moment it was all ecstatic and nothing mattered. We were proud to be Kenyan.

Music though has the power to bring people of all generations and mind sets together. Bob Marley did it with his song One is a glue that enables to link with the generations past and present. To appreciate soul music and incorporate it into the new generation music makes it a universal language. Not only does unite people it unites nations and cultures. Even with bands it is the same thing there are different people and different cultures all represented that come together as one. 

Today's post is different because there is only going to be one picture. actually not a picture but my new logo revealed, and some of the highlights of the pictures taken since I launched my blog. I hope this joins us together as well. 


My Logo

Sophie: Pool player for the National team

Tobby: Guitarist from the Valerie Alive concert

Jane Yobera 

Just married......Parrot and Jane enjoying the scenery

Valerie Kimani: Artiste during her Valerie Alive concert

Kenya Pool Players Association shoot for the national team

Psalm 23 "The lord our good shepherd"

Rachel Anne AKA Karecho... keep singing... 

Anto Neo soul... live performance